We're here to answer all of your
What is Landmine Design?
Landmine Design is a job creation program that exists to empower women to rise above poverty. By creating an opportunity for women to earn an income, we are enabling them to provide food and basic needs for their families.
Each woman that enters the program is among the poorest of the poor in a small village in Cambodia that we call The Minefield Village, which sits along the border of Cambodia and Thailand, near Poipet. While creating jewelry and earning an income for the first time in their lives, they are also being educated. We believe that education breeds true sustainability. Our women are currently in classes where they’re learning about health and hygiene, finance skills, and spiritual development. The program is designed to care for the women holistically so that after graduating, they are successful in every area of their lives.
How many women are in the program?
We currently employ 21 women in two different locations near Poipet, Cambodia.
What are the conditions the women live in?
Our artisans live in extreme poverty. Many of them could not afford land anywhere else, and so they had to build their huts on a minefield. For several years now, an organization in Cambodia has been sweeping for mines in the village and clearing them out. Many families in this village eat rats on a daily basis for protein. There is no running water and many of them don’t have access to medical attention.
Before LightBridge International (our mother organization) began working in the village six years ago, there was no education for the children or clean water. We continue to work at providing clean water education and filtration systems for families. In this community, there is a lack of available jobs, especially for those who are uneducated. This fact makes women in poverty vulnerable to sex trafficking and other harmful situations due to their need to provide for their families.
Will more women enter the program?
Yes! The need is great and we hope to always be growing and employing more women, it is the very heart of Landmine Design to raise up and help as many women as we can.
Where does the money from my purchase go?
100% of the net-profit from every Landmine Design purchase goes directly back into the program to serve the women in Cambodia. It gives them the ability to earn an income, provide for their families, and save for their futures and their children’s futures.
What is the jewelry made out of?
Landmine Design jewelry is made from beads rolled out of paper. The paper is printed in Cambodia. Our ladies spend a significant amount of time hand rolling every bead perfectly for each design.
Our metals and closures are sterling silver and 14K gold plated. They allow us to offer competitive pricing and ensure everything is sourced ethically.
Will there be new designs?
Yes! We will launch new collections every Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. We’d love for you to become a regular and share with us what you love, we’re always evolving.
What about the textiles?
Five years ago, we started our sewing program, LMD DAI, in the city of Poipet, Cambodia. Each of our textiles (with the exception of our LMD branded crewneck sweatshirts) were handmade by a woman employed in this program. These women are receiving the same care and education as our jewelry makers!