Landmine Design creates lovely jewelry and textiles for a modern marketplace. Handcrafted by survivors of human trafficking in Cambodia, we are proud to provide dignified wages for 21 women survivors...and counting.

Fight human trafficking simply by shopping the beautiful hand-made products of Landmine Design.
Shop NowYour purchase has the power to . . .
Prevent human trafficking
Poverty is one of the main causes of trafficking. We use employment to cut off the issue at the source.
Create dignified jobs
Our artisans receive fair wages in a safe work environment.
Make education accessible
We encourage young women to remain in school, educating every artisan on topics like health, hygiene, parenting, relationships, finances and clean water.
Foster healthy families
Mothers work from home where they have the opportunity to take care of and raise their children.
Break cycles of poverty
Empowering just one woman sows seeds of sustainability for an entire community.